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Dimo – Set-up first printing

Follow these instructions to successfully create a print order.

  • Go to menu item:
    Production – 1st Printing

Work through the sections on this page as follows;

  1. Summary
    • Check and if necessary update the production status to ensure it reflects where the title currently is in its life cycle
    • Give the status of the Order Status. The main statuses are
      • Draft – This order is not ready to be submitted
      • Purchased – This order has been sent to the printer
      • Received – This order has been received from the printer
    • Costing Qty and Forecast qty should only be updated if this is not the final order
  2. Quote details (optional)
    • If you have received a quote for this order then fill in the details here
  3. Print Order
    • Fill in the printer
      • Printers are gathered from your supplier list
      • Defaults can be set by printer. If there fields that should always be the same when a printer is selected you can ask for that configuration to be made.
    • Print order # – this is automatically populated but you can change it to your own number if you like. It must be unique however.
    • Unit Price – The cost per unit you will be paying. This will also calculate the total price.
    • Run-on (Optional) – If you have agreed on a run on cost you can enter this here.
    • Enter Quantities (Aus, UK, US, Author, Other)
      • Enter the quantities that need to go to each location. The delivery instructions can be set for each title.
  4. Book Details
    • If you are producing a standard book then you should fill in the basic details for the book here.
    • If this IS NOT a standard book product you should leave this section BLANK
  5. Binding Details
    • If you are producing a standard book then you should fill in the basic details for the book here.
    • If this IS NOT a standard book product you should leave this section BLANK
  6. Printing
    • This is the way the print order is to be consolidated together. For every section that makes up your book or product, you should enter a section in here
    • Use the fields as follows
      • Section – the type of section it is
      • Pages – the number of pages the section applies to
      • Colour – the colour application
      • Height – Width
      • Detail – additional detail about the section
      • On Stock – The stock that applies to this section
      • Stock finish – the finish of the stock
    • Example: A Hardback book with a ribbon would have 3 sections
      • HB
      • TEXT
      • RIBBON
  7. Packaging
    • If applicable you can put in the packaging instructions for the print order. Packaging instructions should normally be pre-populated with the set-up from the printer
  8. Material Supplied
    • Enter in here details about the materials that you will supply to the printer
  9. Proofing requirements
    • Enter in the type of proofs you want and then any specific details about what you require.
  10. Schedule
    • Enter in the schedule for this print order. Depending on the complexity of the order will depend on how many schedule points you want to monitor.
    • Your publisher set-up will determine which of those schedule dates appear on your print order.
  11. Advances
    • The detail on the advances you would like supplied for this print order.
    • Advance defaults can automatically be entered based on the printer defaults.
  12. Delivery Instructions
    • Delivery instructions default to the values for the printer, however, if you need modifications you can edit it here
  13. Approvals (Optional)
    • It is not compulsory by default to authorize a Print Order. By using this option it will add the authoriser/s name to the print order and record when this happened.
  14. Save or Print Order
    • When finished click here to Print or Save the order.
    • Always use Print Word New.


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