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Dimo – Editorial Costs / Forecasts

Using the navigation bar at the left of the screen click Editorial then Costs.

The Costs page reveals a table of expected costs and estimates associated with the production of the title that is specifically detailed to the impression or print production number.

Users can add in applicable estimated costs by clicking on the row associated with the labeled cost column.

  • Editorial Services
  • Typesetting
  • Corrections
  • Proof Reading
  • Cover Illustrations
  • Sundry – Editorial
  • Readers Report
  • Index
  • Subsidies
  • Offset
  • Internal Design
  • Internal Illustrations
  • Scanning
  • Cover Design
  • Permissions
  • Archive
  • Reading Copies
  • Writers Fee
  • Photography
  • Props
  • Stylist
  • Food Editor
  • Legal Costs
  • Home Economist
  • Ingredient
  • Translation

Numerical Costing columns include:

  • Costing
  • Forecasting
  • Actual
  • Due Date
  • Purchase Status

To edit the numerical columns click on the applicable row to reveal the Editorial Cost Detail pop up box

The box will reveal columns for

  • Impression
  • Supplier
  • Detail
  • Amount
  • Due Date
  • Status

Click Grey Add Purchase / Estimate in left bottom corner to reveal blank data fields. Enter in data as required into each of the field

Click Grey Update button at the bottom right corner.

This will take the user back to the Costs table page

NB: Costs will show in the applicable column as In-Progress until they are approved via the Payments page.

SAVE using the blue save button at the bottom of the page.

NB: DIMO does not save automatically

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