How Can We Help?

Welcome to 2022

2022 will be a big year for DiMO users with a number of new features, enhancements and improvements to the way they system works.

We will be working hard with our partners, clients and team to deliver a wide range of improvements to make managing your data and processes simple, efficient and effective.

Changed the way we manage locations

What we did

We made it so you can customise the locations you order from.


How did we do it.

In the production section you can now select different locations when putting in a print order.

To keep it efficient we have your standard options appear by default,  but you can easily add new locations as you need to.


Why did we do it.

We were finding it increasingly difficult to manage what stock was where and the number of locations that people needed to send things to was ever expanding.

The current functionality restricted this and people were having to work around the issue.


How do it get it?

You should be able to update the locations you have now.  If you would like to add more locations and use locations more effectively email [email protected] and we will be happy to work with you on implementing this function to your needs.

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