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Dimo – Editorial / Title Management

Using the navigation bar at the left of the screen click Editorial then Title Management.

This page facilitates the book information that was created when setting up a new title. It also holds editable information in summary inputted from the Publishing pages of DIMO

Users will see subsections as follows

  • Book Detail
  • Manuscript Details
  • Schedule
  • Contacts

Book Detail

  • Production Status: Dropdown selection
  • Publication Date: Date selection calendar
  • Format: Dropdown selection
  • Height: – Width: Book dimensions
  • Packaging Type: Drop-down selection
  • Page Extent: number of pages
  • Spine: Dimensions
  • Cover Status:
  • Ins pp:

Manuscript Details

  • Contracted MS Length:
  • Actual MS Length:
  • Index Created by Author: NA/YES/NO radio buttons
  • Index Paid By: Author/Publisher/Royalty radio buttons


The Schedule section shows the the proposed schedule for specific elements planned within the production of a book. New fields can be added to the below table, and whilst data fields are preset in the dropdown the date field is open for flexibility.

  • An open field will be available at the bottom of schedule table.
  • Selecting the Milestone data dropdown and applying a date in the date calendar field.
  • Delete any data that is not applicable by clicking the black x buttons beside each entry.
  • SAVE
  • Data will be automatically ordered chronologically


The below table details the personnel / contacts that are allocated to specific areas of a titles production.


  • Clicking the red + button will provide a pop up for Contact allocation.

  • You may select the contact function and allocate the applicable contact associated with that
  • You may add in a new contact as required by Clicking the red + button in within the pop up box.


NB: DIMO will not save automatically.

Table of Contents