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Dimo – Editorial Title Management – Contacts

Using the navigation bar at the left of the screen click Editorial then Title Management. Within this page is the Contacts section is visible.

Within this section a user should allocate any Contacts and their functions associated with the title.

The user can either

  • Add in a new contact


  • Add in an existing contact

To add in an existing contact

  • Click the red+ button to reveal a pop up section box

  • Choose from the left hand drop-down selection of contact functions
  • Choose from the right hand drop-down section of existing contact names
  • SAVE Changes

To add in a new contact

  • Click the red+ button to reveal a pop up section box
  • Click the blue Add a New Contact button to reveal the new / contact page

Within this page enter in all new contact details using the following sections

  • Supplier Information
  • Address Information
  • Additional Postal Address:
  • Payment Information

SAVE – Click the Save button to save the contacts details into DIMO

Users have the option to cancel entry to navigate back to the Title Management page.

SAVE using the blue save button at the bottom of the page.

NB: DIMO does not save automatically

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