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Dimo – Performance Monitoring

The two important screens for users in this section are the Book Costings and Book Profitability screens.

Using the navigation bar at the left of the screen click Performance.

The Performance pages help users monitor title details pertaining to three main areas:

  • Book Costs
  • Book Profitability
  • Bookscan Title
  • Bookscan Widget

Book Costs

The Book Cost page give a summary of each of the titles impressions. Users will see each impression listed in a table detailing

  • Impression number
  • Arrived date
  • Costing
  • Forecast cost
  • Actual cost
  • Unit Cost each

Users will see another table below the Impression Summary called the Category Summary detailing

  • Detail category label
  • Costing cost attributed to the category
  • Forecast allocated to the category
  • Actual costs attributed to the category
  • Due Date of the title production
  • Purchase Status which level in the production process

Always Click the Blue SAVE button at the bottom left of the screen

NB: DIMO does not automatically save

Book Profitability

The Book Profitability screen details tables headed

  • Costing sales, costs & royalties
  • Forecast sales, costs & royalties
  • Actual sales, costs & royalties

and detailing profits as applicable.

The information on this screen is not editable from here, where as data is pulled directly from the Book Costs screen


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