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Dimo – Rights

Using the navigation bar at the left of the screen click Publishing then Rights

This page details applicable Rights to the title. User will see 2 subsections

  • Once Contract Received
  • Rights & Sub-licences

Once Contract Received

Check the applicable tick boxes

  • Countersigned Contract Received
  • Saved in document management system
  • No royalty title
  • Head Contract # (data field)

Rights & Sub-licences

Fill in the applicable data fields

  • Original Rights
  • Current Territory rights – Country Codes:
  • All Rights Reverted: radio button YES / NO
  • Reverted Date:
  • Rights Sold:
  • Current Rights Notes
  • Reverted Rights Notes:
  • eBook Rights: Radio buttons YES / NO / Conditional / Unknown
  • UK Distribution: Radio buttons YES / NO / Hold Over
  • US Distribution: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Hold Over
  • AU$ RRP exGST:
  • UK Distribution Notes:
  • US Distribution Notes:
  • English Language: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • Reprint / Large: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • Translation: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • First Serial: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • Second Serial: *Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • extract / digest: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • audio broadcast: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • audo book: *Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • file & tc Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • public performance: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • mechanical reproduction: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • digital reproduction: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • merchandising: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • other: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • disability: Radio Buttons YES / NO / Unknown / % data field
  • Sublicences Notes:

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